Tuesday, August 12, 2008

He had spied the little lake and the boat with a patchwork sail from atop the rugged hill. It hardly moved, stirred occasionally by a faint current or a nudging fish. No wind stirred the little vessel as it gently sought out the far side of the grassy lake edge. On the other side, he thought he could see a chair, or a coach. It was as if the walls of the house had vanished, leaving its contents cold and open on the mossy bank. The green reeds slashing wetly against his leather boots as he followed the fen trail to the lake. Faintly, a voice rose from the water. It sang a sweet and sorrowful strain, a song without words. A hand dipped into the water from over the boat’s varnished edge. A white finger conjured a fairy ring of ripples in the water. The wind came up to turn the boat slowly clockwise, revealing pale face and a cascade of red hair. Gray eyes looked up, expressionless. The mud laid claim to his boots as he stood still amongst the reeds. Her hand stayed in the water, her eyes cool, the song steady.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

bluebells, pleasure

a charming face from Martha Stewart; the June bluebells in my garden.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

fall fashion 2008

Ahh, my favourite thing to do in the summer... look at all the Pre-Fall shows!

I usually scan through every designer on www.style.com and pick out the images that I like, and that I think I can adapt (affordability, find-ability). Except for Burberry Prorsum, I am unscrupulous when it comes to changing favourites. At the moment, I'm really liking the colours and fabrics of Oscar de la Renta. The swing skirt is adorable, and flattering. Floral patterns are lighthearted and a little unusual for autumn, especially done in a floaty dress paired with knits.

Black tights! I know, they have been around for ages, but I feel like I'm finally getting the message. And slightly crafty, almost homely patterns (very popular on Vancouver Island, so they'll be easy to find!).

Don't forget to enjoy summer, Robin. It'll be gone before you know it! Still, it's nice to dream.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

i love you

st.annes, beacon hill

tuesday is the new saturday

l'art textile et la toilette du ancien régime

Grubber Alain, Ancien Régime 1795, Exposition Catalogue (Abegg-Stiftung Riggisberg, 1989)

The University of Victoria, my Alma Matter, has a stupendously under-rated library. Between classes I would wander the three floors and discover dusty, leather-bound gems. One such gem is the exposition catalogue for a mysterious textile show from 1989. Although I haven't looked very hard, I can't seem to figure out where the show was held. It also doesn't help that the tiny book is written solely in French and German. My translation skills are fledgling in the former, and non-existent in the latter.

Luckily, the full colour pictures make up for any textual loss:

I hope to use these at some point in my drawings, or an embroidery. I don't know yet!